maquette avion Focke Wulf Fw 190D-9 HOBBY BOSS 81716 1/48ème maquette char promoBecause of the concerns of the new fighters of the enemy,the Germany Air Force put out a requirements of the new fighters.The design of the Dr.Kurt Tank finally became the Fw-190 which were regard as one of the best fighter during the WWII at the end of 1903s.The fantastic performance of the Fw-190 soon led the replacement of the Messerschmidt Bf-109.The Fw-190D is the inline-engine model of the family and type D-9 were the first which put into combat of the series.The new engine made the Fw-190D-9 a nice intercepter,to contain the inline-engine the nose of the fuselage is longer than the radial engine model.
Informations logistiques :
Ce produit est livrable dans la localisation suivante : France (métropolitaine).
Informations générales |
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Hobby Boss Maquette Avion Focke Wulf Fw 190d-9 |
Marque |
Hobby Boss | |
Garanties |
Garantie commerciale |
2 ans vendeur |
Garantie légale |
Voir les modalités |
Hobby Boss Maquette Avion Focke Wulf Fw 190d-9
3 offres disponibles :
Livré entre lundi 13/01 et mercredi 15/01
Vendu et expédié par ASD
Garantie : 2 ans vendeur
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Livré entre mercredi 15/01 et lundi 20/01
Vendu et expédié par Network Tech
Frais de port : 3,90€
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Livré entre mardi 31/12 et vendredi 03/01
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