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IDW Games Masque of The Red Death

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Commentaire vendeur : Plazo de entrega de 2 a 7 días laborables. 100% de garantía en todos nuestros productos. Para cualquier problema no dude en contactar con nosotros. No ofrecemos envíos a Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla.
As nobles at a magnificent masquerade ball you and your friends all vie to improve your social standing Gossip flies rumors swirl and with each chime of the ebony clock hearts fill with dread and despair As midnight approaches you begin to realize that something is amiss Based on the classic sinister story Edgar Allen Poeas Masque of the Red Death pits you and up to 6 of your friends against each other as you hobnob with the Prince But disaster strikes at midnight You must balance your actions carefully between currying the Princeas favor and discovering which rooms the Red Death will visit After all having the highest social standing only matters if you survivea With stunning art by Gris Grimly Edgar Allen Poeas Masque of the Red Death is sure to delight and disturb you
Informations logistiques : Ce produit est livrable dans la localisation suivante : France (métropolitaine).

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IDW Games Masque of The Red Death


Idw Games


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