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Hub Holding On The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr Game

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Commentaire vendeur : Plazo de entrega de 2 a 7 días laborables. 100% de garantía en todos nuestros productos. Para cualquier problema no dude en contactar con nosotros. No ofrecemos envíos a Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla.
Holding on the troubled life of Billy Kerr is a co-operative game where players work as nursing staff tasked with providing care for the terminally ill Your latest patient has been rushed in following a massive heart attack on a light from Sydney to London When the game begins all you know is this - his name is Billy Kerr he is sixty years old and he has been given days to live Players must work together to provide Billy with appropriate care responding to medical emergencies while gaining his trust Over ten fully playable scenarios you will need to piece together a Lifetime of memories while being drawn deeper into his troubled past As you Discover MORE about Billy can you help him nd the courage required to confront the three Regrets that keep him holding onDealing with themes of dying and regret holding on the troubled life of Billy Kerr invites players to experience the extraordinary life of an ordinary person during their NAL days
Informations logistiques : Ce produit est livrable dans la localisation suivante : France (métropolitaine).

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Hub Holding On The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr Game




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