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Cryptozoic Entertainment Epic Spell Wars III Melee At Murdershroom Marsh Board-Games

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Commentaire vendeur : Plazo de entrega de 2 a 7 días laborables. 100% de garantía en todos nuestros productos. Para cualquier problema no dude en contactar con nosotros. No ofrecemos envíos a Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla.
The third game in the Epic Spell Wars series ratchets up the EPIC with several new innovations - Can trips Add extra effects to your spell at the cost of discarding some extra cards More zing for the spell-flinging - Bad Trips The colors man the colors If your spell has lots of different glyphs a Bad Trip card resolves twice - Dual-Glyphed Deliveries If youve ever had trouble matching your glyphs relief is here - Everlasting Most of the Treasures in the game dont go away when you die Collect em all Creatures are also back Half of the Deliveries are Creatures and the other half are dual-glyphed blast em spells Can trips are a great way to unclog your hand of too many of one spell type So even after making a full three-card spell you can still add more bang to your brain suck Bad Trips give you great benefits when you play a lot of different glyphs in your spell And imagine how easy that will be when you Can trip an extra card into your spell during your spell resolution
Informations logistiques : Ce produit est livrable dans la localisation suivante : France (métropolitaine).

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Cryptozoic Entertainment Epic Spell Wars III Melee At Murdershroom Marsh Board-Games


Cryptozoic Entertainment


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